

About pipe work


Finding the basic concept or direction of new work is the task what I have to do every day.


Why did I feel that the syringe needles were so large


when I had scores of injections at hospital last spring?




When I close my eyes at the physiotherapy clinic,


I feel that the syringe needles are even larger. Syringe needle?


  Pipe that is cut sharply? Cut the pipe?





I cut the pipe to make the shape that you want.


  It was a very interesting work. I began the pipe work immediately,


  and I have worked on the pipe for about 2 years so far. It is not easy.


  It is a very difficult work. This work has to be done repeatedly,



which is the costly and labor-intensive type of work that is often carried out in underdeveloped countries.



However, I am captivated by the well-arranged, scientific, andregularly repeated rhythm.

It seems that I will be doing this work for my whole life.


2014.3.16  YI CHULHEE

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